Handbook - Responsibilities and Conduct

2.1 Swimmer Code of Conduct
2.2 Parent/Volunteer Code of Conduct
2.3 Communication
2.4 What is Bullying?
2.5 Discipline Policy
2.6 Volunteer Policy

2.7 NRST Policies **updated as of 08-20-2022

2.1 Swimmer Code of Conduct

This policy is inclusive of all level swimmers.  Swimmers must adhere at all times to standards of professional behavior that reflect well on Nanaimo Riptides Swim Team (NRST) in particular, and competitive swimming in general.  It is impossible to specify in precise terms all those actions that could be deemed to be prejudicial to swimmers.  The following provides an indication of the standards of behavior that, if contravened, are likely to be considered breaches of the code

  1. Swimmers are responsible for treating other NRST members and other Swim BC members with respect within the context of their activity regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, gender, ancestry, colour, ethnic or racial origin, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, religious belief, political belief, disability, or economic status.
  2. Swimmers will refrain from criticism of coaches, fellow swimmers, parents and officials, particularly to and through the media.  When public comments are made, swimmers have an obligation to ensure such comments are made judiciously, reflective of the facts, supportable and sensitive to the situation(s).
  3. Differences of opinion will be dealt with on a personal or club basis.  Serious disputes may be referred to the NRST Board of Directors.
  4. Swimmers will refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language while participating in or observing local clubs, Swim BC or SNC sanctioned activities or events.
  5. Swimmers will not use tobacco, alcohol or other drugs that affect their physical ability, mood or behavior, unless prescribed by a physician for medical purposes.  NRST and Swim BC have a zero tolerance level regarding drug and alcohol consumption during and around swimming competition.  Swimmers jeopardize funding eligibility (both current and future) and membership with Swim BC if found to be abusing alcohol in and around competition.  Swimmers should strive for excellence (according to their ability).
  6. Swimmers will respect the achievements of teammates and opponents.  Swimmers will not engage in any behavior that could be construed as hazing. Swimmers who represent NRST, Swim BC, or SNC should behave in a manner that reflects favorably on those organizations.
  7. Swimmers will refrain from using social media in any way that may discredit NRST or any individual person such as a coach, teammate, or opponent.
  8. Swimmers will not engage in bullying as outlined.  Bullying is a conscious, repeated behavior of an individual or group with the intention to harm others or aggressive and intended to gain power.
  9. Swimmers will act safely on the pool deck and observe all pool and club rules.  Be considerate to your surroundings – abusing aquatic facilities or equipment or any other properties which NRST has contracted is not permitted.

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2.2 Parent/Volunteer Code of Conduct

Parents and volunteers should adhere at all times to standards of personal behavior that reflect well on Nanaimo Riptides Swim Team (NRST) in particular, and competitive swimming in general.  It is impossible to specify in precise terms all those actions that could be deemed to be prejudicial to parents and volunteerism within NRST.  The following provides an indication of the standards of behavior that, if ignored, are likely to be considered breaches of this code.

  1. Parents and volunteers are responsible for treating all other NRST members with respect within the context of their activity regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, gender, ancestry, colour, ethnic or racial origin, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, religious belief, political belief, disability, or economic status
  2. Parents and volunteers will refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language while participating in or observing NRST, Swim BC or SNC sanctioned activities or events.
  3. Parents and volunteers will abstain from using intoxicants while attending NRST, Swim BC or SNC sanctioned events and activities.
  4. Parents and volunteers will refrain from criticism of coaches, swimmers, parents, and fellow officials particularly to and through the media.  When public comments are made, volunteers have an obligation to ensure such comments are made judiciously, reflective of the facts, supportable and sensitive to the situation(s).  Differences of opinion should be dealt with on a personal or club basis.  Serious disputes may be referred to the NRST Board of Directors.
  5. Parents and volunteers will ensure that they do not in any way misrepresent their qualifications, affiliations, or professional competence to any member or prospective member, or any publication, broadcast, lecture or seminar.  Misrepresentation, after due consideration by NRST, could be regarded as a breach of this code.
  6. Parents and volunteers will respect the achievements of NRST, Swim BC and SNC swimmers.
  7. Parents and volunteers will refrain from using social media in any way that may discredit NRST or any individual person such as a coach, teammate, or opponent.
  8. Parents and volunteers will not engage in bullying as outlined.  Bullying is a conscious, repeated behavior of an individual or group with the intention to harm others or aggressive and intended to gain power.

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2.3 Communication
Communication is the best way to reduce conflicts within the club.  The best way to communicate with your child's coach is to meet them outside of practice. Coaches usually have time after practice to answer questions or provide information.  Sending a note to the coach with your swimmer is a good way to get information to them as well.

When conflicts between a swimmer or parent and coach arise, please try hard to increase communication between the affected parties.  Refrain from discussing disagreements with other parents; not only is the problem never resolved that way, but this approach often creates new problems.  Try to keep foremost in your mind that you and the coach have the best interests of your child at heart.  If you trust that the coach's goals match yours – even though their approach may be different – you are more likely to enjoy good rapport and constructive dialogue.  Keep in mind that the coach must balance your perspective of what is best for your child with the needs of the team or a training group.  On occasion, an individual child's interest may need to be subordinate to the interests of the group.  In the long run, the benefits of membership in the group may compensate for occasional short-term inconveniences.  If another parent uses you as a sounding board for complaints about a coach's performance or policies, encourage the other parent to speak directly to the coach.  Meetings with coaches can be arranged after the coach is finished his or her “on deck” coaching duties.  Please note that coaches do not make any financial decisions regarding your swimmer.  Financial concerns should be directed to the office manager or the Treasurer.

The following procedures regarding problems, questions, or complaints must be followed by families who elect to become part of the Nanaimo Riptide Swim Team.

A.  Problems, questions, or complaints regarding practice, stroke instruction, meets, team rules, or any other part of the TRAINING Program should be discussed with the following individuals, in order, until the situation is resolved:

  1. The swimmer's coach
  2. The head coach, in writing
  3. The President of the Board of Directors, in writing
  4. The Board of Directors at a board meeting

B. Problems, questions, or complaints regarding any OTHER AREAS of the team should be discussed with the following individuals, in order, until the situation is resolved:
           1. The chair of the committee of the area in question, in writing
           2. The President of the Board of Directors, in writing
           3. The Board of Directors at a board meeting

C. Problems, questions, or complaints regarding other PARENTS or SWIMMERS should be discussed with the following individuals, in order, until the situation is resolved:
           1. The parent or swimmer in question
           2. The President of the Board of Directors, in writing
           3. The Board of Directors at a board meeting

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2.4 What is Bullying?

Bullying is defined as the repeated hurtful interpersonal mistreatment of a person, the act intentionally hurting someone in order to insult, humiliate, degrade or exclude.  Nanaimo Riptides Swim Team is committed to providing a safe, caring and friendly environment for all of our members.  Bullying is counterproductive to our team spirit and can be devastating to a victim.  Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. There are no innocent bystanders. If you are aware of bullying that is happening and you chose not to report the behaviour, you are in fact enabling the person that is doing the bullying.

Hurtful actions include, but are not limited to,
 ♦     Verbal – name-calling, humiliating, degrading behaviour, hurtful teasing, threatening someone (this may happen in notes or in person, over the phone, through text messages or a chat room).
 ♦     Relational – making others look foolish, excluding peers, spreading gossip or rumours (this may happen in person, over the phone, or through the computer).
 ♦     Reactive – engage in bullying as well as provoke bullies to attack by taunting them.
 ♦     Physical – hitting, kicking, grabbing, shoving, spitting on, beating others up, damaging or stealing another person’s property.

The following sudden behaviour changes can be a sign that an individual is being bullied: suddenly becoming aggressive, quitting the team or being reluctant to return to the sport activity, sleep disorders, emotional disorders, sliding grades at school, changes in appetite, fear of washrooms, locker rooms, or closed doors, running away.

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2.5 Discipline Policy

Nanaimo Riptides Swim Team (NRST) is committed to providing a supportive framework through which its members can achieve excellence in all areas of the sport of swimming.  NRST is an athlete-centered, coach-driven and administratively supported organization, which is characterized by open, clear communication and honesty, fairness and mutual respect.   These ideas are defined in the Swimmer Code of Conduct and Parent/Volunteer Code of Conduct in this handbook.  NRST believes that these values and ideals should guide all of our communications and actions, and that such conduct is in the best interest of all who participate in the sport of swimming.

Membership in NRST brings with it many benefits and privileges.  At the same time, members are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities and obligations, including but not limited to, complying with the policies, rules and regulations of Nanaimo Riptide Swim Team.

1.       Athletes, coaches, volunteers and parents are encouraged to, at all times, act in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution and By-laws of NRST.

2.        This policy applies to NRST members and all participants in NRST activities including directors, officers, volunteers, coaches, athletes and officials.

3.        Any member can initiate disciplinary proceedings by way of written complaint to the President or Vice President of the Board of Directors of NRST.  Members’ shall initiate the complaint within 14 days of the occurrence.

4.       Upon receipt and review of a complaint the President or Vice President shall, with reference to existing policy guidelines, determine whether the complaint shall go forward.  If, for any reason, the President or Vice President cannot carry out his/her duties under the Discipline Policy, the President shall designate another member of the Board to carry out such duties.

5.        Should the President or Vice President or his/her designate determine the complaint should go forward, the President or Vice President or his/her designate will appoint three members of the Board to sit as the Discipline Committee.

6.        The Discipline Committee shall notify the individual who is the subject of the complaint (respondent) of the nature of the complaint and shall give that individual such opportunity as the committee, in the circumstances, considers appropriate to respond to the complaint.  In determining its investigation or inquiry procedures, the Discipline Committee will adhere to the basic principles of procedural fairness, recognizing that these principles can be applied in flexible ways depending on the nature of the complaint and the potential consequences of disciplinary action.

7.        The Discipline Committee after such investigation or inquiries, as in its absolute direction deems appropriate, shall determine whether the conduct in question warrants the taking of disciplinary action and recommend to the Board the appropriate disciplinary sanctions singly or in combination including:
          a.     Written reprimand to be placed in the individual’s file; swimmers will be required to have a parent or guardian sign the reprimand prior to being allowed to participate in any NRST practise or event;
          b.    Hand delivered written apology;
          c.     Suspension from certain  NRST events which may include suspension from current competition or from future teams or competitions;
          d.    Suspension from certain NRST activities (i.e. competitions, coaching, officiating, volunteering) for periods up to one year;
          e.     Suspension from all NRST activities for up to one year;
          f.      Expulsion from NRST; and/or
​​​​​​​          g.     Other sanctions as may be considered appropriate for the offense.

8.        The Discipline Committee shall make its findings in writing and forthwith forward a copy to the respondent and the Board.  If the Discipline Committee recommends disciplinary sanctions and the respondent wishes to challenge either the determination that the conduct warrants disciplinary action or the proposed penalty, the respondent shall within five days, or such extended period that the Board may allow, make written representation to the Board which the Board shall consider before taking any action on the report of the Discipline Committee.

9.        If the respondent does not challenge the determination that the conduct warrants disciplinary action or the proposed penalty, the penalty will take effect seven days after the date of the Discipline Committee’s recommendations.  The Board will be notified of the disciplinary action at its next regular meeting.  The Board shall not interfere with decisions of the Discipline Committee unless the respondent as per paragraph 8 challenges those decisions.

10.       If the respondent does challenge either the determination that the conduct warrants disciplinary action or the proposed penalty, the Board at its next meeting shall determine if the conduct warrants disciplinary action and shall impose such discipline, as it considers appropriate in the circumstances.

11.       If the respondent has challenged either the determination that the conduct warrants disciplinary action or the proposed penalty, the imposition of the penalty, unless otherwise ordered by the Discipline Committee, will be stayed until the Board deals with the matter as set out in paragraph 10.

12.       Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Board reserves the right, upon 72 hours’ notice to the member, to order the interim suspension of a member, pending completion of disciplinary proceedings as set out in this policy.

13.       This policy is to be reviewed by the Board of Directors on an annual basis.

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2.6 Volunteer Policy

NRST Volunteer Policy (Season 2024 - 2025)


The NRST Volunteer Policy regulates parent’s participation to ensure a smooth running of swim related activities. NRST hosts three to four swim meets per season along with other social events.  Revenues earned from those events guarantee the financial well-being of the club and strongly support low membership fees.  Active parent participation, knowledge and experience are the most valuable tools at the club’s disposal to set our sporting events apart from other major clubs in the region. Parents are required to attend Swim Official Training in order to ensure that we are able to continue to host quality meets for our swimmers as well as other club swimmers attending.

Official Training & Clinics

Families with swimmers in Swim Skills 1 & 2 are expected to ensure that one or more family members will be certified in, and volunteer for, a minimum Level 1 Timer Official. Families with swimmers in Junior & Senior groups agree to ensure that one or more family members will be certified in, and volunteer for, at least one or more Level 2 and upwards Officials positions. *Refer to Chart

The club will ensure clinics are offered at regular intervals to provide sufficient training opportunities to get the required certification as an official. For further information on Official Training and to view the Official Certification Pathway please go to https://www.swimming.ca/en/resources/officiating/certification/ For more information on the different Officials Positions please go to https://www.nanaimoriptides.com/menu/volunteer-job-descriptions-volunteer-points

Any questions regarding Official training can be directed to nrstofficials@nanaimoriptides.com

Job sign-ups, Attendance sheets & Point tracking

Tracking of volunteer points is paperless and done electronically. It is important that volunteers sign in at the start of any meet or event they are participating in.  There will NOT be any other way of confirming your attendance and recorded points. The status of a member’s volunteer account can be checked any time on the NRST website under ‘My Account > Job credits’.

Online sign-up procedure:

Please sign up as a volunteer as soon as the job sign-up becomes available. Each position a member wants to volunteer in needs to be ticked and member’s details must be given, e.g. name and contact number.

If a family signs up more than one volunteer per family please state the name of any additional person for the member’s account.

At Swim Meets:

It is each volunteer’s responsibility to sign in at any event the volunteer has signed up for. Please check that the correct name is ticked off at the volunteer check-in table. If multiple people on one account are signed up for volunteering, each person needs to be signed in individually.

  • Volunteers must be a minimum of 16 years old. Volunteers do not have to be family members. Children younger than 16 are welcome to volunteer for age appropriate jobs, but do not fulfill the requirement of an adult volunteer.

At Away Swim Meets:

Volunteer points will no longer be given for volunteering at away meets. The one exception is when our club is required to provide volunteers. NRST members will sign up on nanaimoriptides.com signed into their family account. 

At Social events:

A volunteer sign in sheet will be available for signing in.

Monetary and Point Requirements

At registration, each family in Swim Skills, Junior & Senior swim groups will provide the first down payment for the amount allocated by group (see chart below). This volunteer commitment fee MUST be received before your swimmer’s first day of practice as part of the registration requirements. Your swimmer will not be able to swim with the club until fees have been received.

The number of points allocated to each volunteer job or task is listed below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and there may be other ways you can help the Club for which you will receive Volunteer Points.

If you have more than one swimmer in the Club (for example, in Swim Skills 1 and Senior Provincial), you don’t have to earn volunteer points for both swimmers. Volunteer Points requirements are based on the child in the higher group at registration (in the above case it would be the Senior Provincial Group). 

If any swimmer advances to a higher level group during the season, the required Volunteer Points and Volunteer Commitment Fees remain the same.

On March 1st, we require the 2nd volunteer commitment fee as shown in the chart below. If at least half of the points required for your child’s training group have been verified, claimed and reported by you by February 28th, we will not be requiring the 2nd volunteer commitment fee as we will continue to hold the first one provided til the end of June. If  the rest of the points required for the year have been verified, claimed, and reported by you between March 1st and June 30th, we will credit your account for the volunteer commitment fees provided.  

Please note that Volunteer Points earned do not carry forward to the next season.


NRST offers an incentive in recognition of volunteers who exceed their allotted point requirements in a season.  Families who exceed their volunteer point requirement by 50% or more during a swim season will receive a credit depending on their swim group to their member account on June 30th.

Swim Group

Incentive points

Monetary Credit

Olympic Way



Swim Skills 1



Swim Skills 2



Junior & Senior Island



Junior Provincial, Junior National



Senior Provincial, Senior National



Duration of Membership

The duration of a typical swim season is 10 months. The Volunteer point system is based on this duration.

Subsequent Membership:

If a swimmer joins the club after the start of the season, the point requirement will be prorated from the time of joining to the end of the season. The value of the Volunteer Commitment Fees will remain the same.

Early Dismissal:

If a swimmer withdraws from the club before the end of the season, the point requirement will be prorated based on duration of membership for the season. The value of the Volunteer Commitment Fees will remain the same.

 International Students

International students or swimmers joining the club while on student exchange programs are not governed by the directives of this policy.



Total Points Per Season


Volunteer Commitment Fees

Clinics Required 

Olympic Way 

*Monetary incentives offered for volunteers see above.


Strongly encouraged to do online official training Introduction to Officiating (Timekeeper)

Swim Skills 1


2 x $200

Level 1 - Introduction to Officiating (Timekeeper) AND Safety Marshal

Swim Skills 2


2 x $200

Level 1 Introduction to Officiating (Timekeeper) AND Safety Marshal 


Level 2  

  • Judge of Stroke


  • Inspector of Turns

Junior Island & Senior Island


2 x $250

ALL of the below: 

  • Introduction to Officiating (timekeeper)
  • Safety Marshal
  • Judge of Stroke
  • Inspector of Turns 

Junior Provincial & Junior National 


2 x $300

ALL of the below: 

  • Introduction to Officiating (timekeeper)
  • Safety Marshal
  • Judge of Stroke
  • Inspector of Turns 

Plus any 2 of:

  • Chief Timekeeper
  • Administration Desk 
  • Chief Finish Judge/Chief Judge Electronics (CFJ/CJE)
  • Meet Manager
  • Starter
  • Chief Recorder - Recorder
  • Completion of Trainee shift on Gen 7 electronics console (this is not a clinic - can be completed in any meet or time trial) 

Senior Provincial & Senior National 


2 x $300

ALL of the below: 

  • Introduction to Officiating (timekeeper)
  • Safety Marshal
  • Judge of Stroke
  • Inspector of Turns 

Plus any 3 of:

  • Chief Timekeeper
  • Clerk of Course
  • Chief Finish Judge
  • Chief Judge of Electronics
  • Meet Manager
  • Starter
  • Chief Recorder - Recorder
  • Completion of Trainee shift on Gen 7 electronics console (this is not a clinic - can be completed in any meet or time trial) 


Volunteer Job


Meet Manager

9 per session


8 per session

Chief Timer, Administrative Desk (Clerk of the Course), Starter, Hospitality Coordinator

6 per session

Chief Judge Electronics/Chief Finish Judge, Chief Judge of Electronics & Gen 7 Console Trainers 

6 per session

Judge of Stroke, Inspector of Turns l

5 per session

Chief Judge of Electronics & Gen 7 Console Trainees

4 per session

Lane Timers (Meets), Hospitality Preparers/Servers

4 per session

Lane timers (Time Trials), Safety Marshall, Awards/Ribbons

2 per session

Chaperone (overnight - multi day meet)

*Criminal Record Check mandatory 

8 per day

Chaperone-single day meet*Criminal Record Check mandatory

5 per day

Event Coordinator

6 per event

Event Helper

2 per volunteer position at Event

Attend AGM

1 per family

Board Members (must have over 75% attendance):

*Criminal Record Check mandatory                   




                              Club Officials Director                                                                                       


                              Swim Meet Equipment Manager

                              Merchandise Mgr/Member-at-large

30 per season

25 per season

25 per season

25 per season

20 per season

20 per season

20 per season

Other opportunities as determined by Board of Directors

Points assigned

*  To earn the allocated points, the volunteer must complete all functions described in the applicable job descriptions at https://nrst.poolq.net/menu/volunteer-job-descriptions-volunteer-points

NOTE: this list is not exhaustive, parent participation points are available for other volunteer jobs.   

Board of Director (BoD) Rights

Amendments or exemptions to this policy may be granted in individual cases upon written application to the Board of Directors for consideration.


2.7 NRST Policies

***Updated as of 08-20-2022


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